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Realism vs Perspective

I need to start todays article off with a massive thank you to Jack Glanfield. He’s been a MASSIVE supporter of Knights of Dice from the very beginning, he’s ordered directly from us many times and also from Shiny Games in Nottingham, his support has been legendary and today’s article has been inspired by some […]

Something simple? Club Boxes

I’ve got nothing, hehe.  I’m feeling pretty grim (mentally) and I just can’t …. I can’t. A comment on my previous article post on Facebook said: “Written before midnight? Check. Showcases KoD? Check. That’s all you really need.” Thanks Dirk, that was actually a BIG help. I’ve said it many times lately, my mental health […]

Get out of jail free

I think I’m going to have to make time to write my articles during the day, I did think about it today but did nothing about it.  Writing them in the evenings is not fantastic, especially when it hits 10:46pm and I realise I haven’t written anything today! Either that, or I implement some kind […]

Inspired by computer games

One A Day – Day 7 I must admit I’m really struggling with this ‘One A Day’ project, this is only day seven but it feels like MONTHS … crazy!  I’m sure being unwell isn’t helping the situation but I’m also aware that spontaneously writing a new article each day, one that isn’t connected to […]

Narrative … or not?

I have a cracking headache, I’m not very well at all.  I left work this morning after only a few hours of being there.  A negative COVID test result was nice to see but still, I hate being ill, especially as a one-man small business, there isn’t anyone else to get things done. So given […]

Quick and easy fields

It seems a little strange to be sitting here writing an article about making simple fields, rather than writing something about one of the MDF kits we manufacture but as I have said though in previous articles, I’m not very good at ‘selling’ my products! Perhaps we’ll have a look at one of our kits […]

Dice … is it really a wargame without them?

One A Day – Day 4 I’ve left it very late today to write my article (it’s currently 7:10pm), they are certainly taking much longer than the 25-30 minutes I spent painting each of the Necrons!  I also have a terrible hang over so I’m going to keep this one short, super short. Tribal uses […]

Wanna buy some MDF bro?

One A Day – Day 3 I’ve always considered myself an entrepreneur, a business-man, but I’d be loath to consider myself a “salesman”.  Is that a problem for a small business, to be operated by a terrible salesman? As I sit here chuckling saying to myself, “Does a bear shit in the woods?”, it’s obvious […]

MDF Rich, Cash Poor … wanna trade?

One A Day – Day 2 Like many gamers I know, we we’re all introduced to tabletop gaming by Games Workshop. What ever your opinion on their miniatures, games, business model and practices without them, I probably wouldn’t be interested in tabletop gaming today. Why start this article titled ‘MDF Rich, Cash Poor’ with a […]

Articles for 30 days?!

One A Day – Day 1 It’s not something I’m known for, or for that matter really any good at but it is something I enjoy. Writing.  I had a great time painting my Necrons as part of my last “One A Day” project, uploading a new image to Instagram before midnight each day was […]

One A Day – 30 days of Necrons

I need to do more ‘hobby’ activities.  It sounds strange as you’d think I have loads of fun playing with scenery, terrain and wargaming models all day!  Nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is I spend a good deal of time worrying about the business, a good deal of time cleaning, moving […]

Making a ‘lay flat’ River for tabletop wargaming

I’ve never been a big fan of terrain that sits ‘on top’ of the table, when it is suppose to be ‘in’ or ‘under’ the level of the gaming table. Obviously that is difficult to model when you have a solid surface to game on, so I think this method for making some simple rivers […]

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