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Resin Casting – what do I have, need and use

I’ve uploading tonnes of videos to YouTube and over the years have received HUGE numbers of mail from people offering thanks, asking questions or looking for advice. It’s been a wonderful journey and its a part of this hobby I have really enjoyed.

One thing I have NOT done enough of is spend some time relaxing and writing up articles and ‘supporting material’ for things I cover in my videos.

I’ve always enjoyed writing, its something I feel relaxes me and slows my brain down. When you’ve usually got a hundred different thoughts, voices and ideas rolling around in your head, being able to slow them down at times is most welcome. I figure that when you are concentrating on wording something its very hard to think of something else.

So with all that aside, lets get on with this article!

I recently received some mail from a viewer asking me about, A lot of my videos reference the old website when I used to have my gaming store, Battle Bunker. That site doesn’t operate anymore (I still have all the files from the forum) so any links I posted in video descriptions (or other places) no longer work.

He asked me if I had or was going to have any writes up “things I use, have, checklists etc”. So given I have some resin casting I need to get done, I’d thought it start a small ‘series’ on what I use for resin casting.

My resin casting area:

Its important to have a super level working space to pour your casts on. This bench (the black one) is not flat at this point and when pouring resin into gang molds it runs in a specific direction.

Some of the things I use for resin casting:

  • Stirrers – you need something to mix the resin together, these are perfect
  • ‘Stoner’ – this is a mold release spray, there are many types and brands
  • Soft bristle paint brush – I use this to work the baby powder into the mold before casting
  • Baby Powder / Talcum Powder – I always brush the powder in and tap it out of the mold sharply before pouring the resin, it helps in breaking the surface tension between the silicone and the resin
  • Scales – I always weigh my pours, some people do it by ‘parts’ and by eye, but I weight mine.
  • Mixing cups – I picked up a case of plastic takeaway containers from a local manufacturer, they work perfectly
  • Resin – In this image (and in general) I use EasyCast from Barnes. You will NEED some kind of resin if you plan to do some resin casting!
  • Ultra-sil – You can see the large tub of silicone up the back. I use Ultra-sil from Barnes, it has suited by purposes but there are some other silicones I want to try

Let’s go cast some bases I need for my Hell Dorado figures, I’ll be using my slate mold for all the factions so I’m going to need around 40 or so.

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